Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tweeter 4/26/13

True motivation comes from within. No one can hand it to you, but no one can take it away, either.

La motivacion real viene de adentro de ti. Nadie te la puede dar, pero NADIE te la puede quitar, tampoco.


  1. Hello 3rd Graders! It's Dmel and I have missed our "time together"! And congratulations on completing the STAAR. I am confident that you each did well and accomplished your goal.

    This statement helps to define another great word: passion. There is something inside each one of us that encourages us to get up out of bed and allows us to greet the days challenges with enthusiasm and a drive to break through barriers no matter what is required.

    This statement acknowledges that your motivation, or passion, is unique to each of you individually. This makes you special and gives you the opportunity to be a blessing to your family, neighbors, community and the world.

  2. Jose dijo:Ms.Dmel eres como una cheerleader.

    Rebeca dijo:Muchas gracias por este comentario y eres como un angel.

    Cyrus dijo:Motivacion es ser activo y nadie te puede convencer de ser activo y nadie te puede quitar el ser activo.

    Es el querer hacer algo y tu lo puedes controlar.

  3. Isabella dijo: si te gusta hacer algo, hazlo y si no te gusta algo nadie te puede dar motivacion.
