Monday, May 13, 2013

Tweeter 5/13/13

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. -Michael Jordan

Yo puedo aceptar fracaso, todo el mundo fracasa en algo. pero lo que no puedo aceptar es NO tratar. Michael Jordan.


  1. Effua dijo: Yo infiero que esta tratando de decir que si no haces tu mejor esfuerzo no puedes aceptar que no tienes nada si no tratas.

    Marina dijo: Yo infiero que esta tratando de decir que estas tratando de decir que todos piensan en algo bien y si piensas en algo malo no lo puedes aceptar.

    Nicholas dijo: Si no tratas de alcanzar tu meta no la vas ha alcanzar, porque no estas tratando.

  2. Dear 3rd Grade Class, Today, May 14th, I honestly believed I had failed at a goal I had set in my volunteer work with our school district. Actually, it was yesterday that I thought I had failed and I had a terrible night sleep and woke up today, May 14, wondering what I should have done to avoid "failing" at my goal.

    So Mr. Jordan is correct when he says that "everyone fails at something". But you will find much consolation if instead of focusing on your failure, you focus on how you tried. There are many hidden successes in trying and failing. But as Mr. Jordan infers, there is no success to be found if you never try to succeed.

    And as I re-evaluated my failure, I began to recall all the small ways I had succeeded at getting close to accomplishing my goals in my volunteer work. And suddenly, I thought, "I didn't fail! I just found the way to accomplish these goals next year!" And so I will try again.
